Child of the Week: Nick

Nick-Schroeder_web2The pressure to fill society’s misleading footsteps weighs down on our youth. The choices which burden them to “fit in” can be the same ones leading to prison, or maybe worse. Being a friend to a child facing adversity is a research-driven method to guide a young boy to an accomplished life.

Nick is a 10-year-old 4th grader who needs an active Big Brother to encourage and support his interests in sports and the outdoors. He also needs a Big who can help him achieve more educationally and socially. Past adversity has affected Nick in many ways, but a Big Brother in his life can help steer Nick on a successful path to adulthood.

Nick is all about sports. His three favorite sports are soccer, basketball, and baseball. He likes animals, and doing ‘boy stuff’, like playing with bugs and dirt. Nick is an enthusiastic child who loves engaging in new activities.

A step in the right direction is a step away from the wrong direction. There are two paths which a child facing adversity can take. One leads to happiness and success, while the other path may lead to a dead end. A young boy in need may not be able to see this greater truth, but a positive male role model CAN. There are nearly 200 children, mostly boys, in need of a Big Brother or Big Sister. To change a child’s life Fundamentally. For the Better. Forever, call 778-5135, visit us at, or ‘Friend’ us on Facebook at Yavapai Bigbrothers Bigsisters.

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