Child of the Week – Yulian

Yulian Figueroa editedIf giving 8 hours a month to a child in need could lead that child away from trouble and toward a better life, would you do it?

Meet Yulian, a kind and respectful 9 year old boy who envisions becoming a scientist when he is older, and making the world a better place. Presently, he lives with his mom and younger brother. Yulian’s father is not involved in his life, so having a Big Brother shine as a positive male role model is essential to his growth as a young man. He enjoys school and has a particular interest in learning how to cook and play the drums.

Yulian has already mapped out the activities he will do with his Big Brother once he gets matched. These include skiing, riding dirt bikes, horseback riding, shooting pool, playing football, and tennis. His favorite movie is Spiderman, and his favorite TV show is Teen Titans. Yulian is not opposed to trying new things he otherwise would never experience, and wants to join a football team, with his mother’s permission of course.

Caught in the shadows, Boys facing adversity are often stuck in darkness. However, if a Big Brother enters their life they stand a much better chance of being successful and overcoming their struggles. Research proves that boys ages 14-17 matched to a Big Brother are 53% less likely to be arrested than all other boys in the same age group. There are over 100 boys on the wait list for a Big Brother, many of which live in Prescott Valley. To learn more about becoming a Big Brother, Big Sister, Big Couple, or Big Family, please call 778.5135, visit, or ‘Friend’ us on Facebook.

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