Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters is seeking adult volunteers to mentor children in our community. Boys who are matched to a Big Brother are 53 percent less likely to be arrested than all other boys ages 14 to 17. Our volunteers make a huge difference not only in children’s lives, but in our community. Happy Birthday to our new “Little,” Connor! In August, Connor turns 9 and starts fourth grade at Lincoln Elementary in Prescott. Connor lives with his mother and his grandpa, and he has friends at school but not many in his neighborhood, which is pretty quiet. His mom says that Connor has regular chores around the house: keeping his room clean, taking out the trash, cleaning his pet rat’s cage and watering the plants. Connor likes to be active, collect rocks and play with his Legos. He can be very focused when he is interested in something, and loves reading. He likes to climb the big boulders at school, and art is his favorite class. He is thinking about being a “creator of games” or someone who works with plants. His teacher suggests that Connor can benefit from one-on-one help to stay focused at school. A school-based mentor who meets with him an hour per week would be a good fit for Connor to help address issues he has in that setting. If you are ready to step up and mentor Connor or another child and to join our impactful group of Bigs, contact YBBBS at 778-5135 or go to www.azbigs.org. Child of the Week is a regular feature in The Daily Courier in cooperation with Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters, which provided the information about this week’s “Little.” BBBS currently has many children waiting for adults to step forward and be mentors. |