Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters helps to develop the ultimate friendships. Often, these friendships last a lifetime!
Dan and Matthew have been an official match through Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters since March of 2013. Prior to this amazing match, Matthew was shy and reserved in his words and actions. Dan, an Information Technologist, did whatever was comfortable for his Little, making sure that Matthew was always enjoying the time they spent together.
Dan experienced a lot of struggles as a child, and knew he could help a young boy in the community by becoming a Big Brother. Matthew, now 14, faced a lot of adversity when he was little, including not having a mother in his life. The Big’s understanding of childhood struggles, and the Little’s encounters with hardship shaped this match into a truly outstanding friendship.
These two see each other every Wednesday. To say that Matthew has become more comfortable around people would be an understatement. They do public speaking in rooms with upwards of 75 people. Matthew has progressed to honors classes, and has become a soccer star with a leadership role. Dan travels to Phoenix to watch him play his games.
Matthew says, “We go kayaking, hiking, rock climbing, fishing, golfing, and bowling, but the best thing I like to do with my Big Brother is to just hang out. I can talk to him about anything!” He has also gone on to say, “My Big Brother Dan has taught me how to be a good friend. He has taught me to be respectful, honorable, nice and generous. I know we will be lifelong friends.”
8 hours a month is all it takes to change a child’s life! To learn more about becoming a Big, please call 778.5135, visit our website at azbigs.org, or ‘Friend’ us on Facebook.