Prescott Child of the Week: P.J.

P.J.-Crownover-webPositive change can be easily accomplished by becoming a Big. 8 hours a month of positive mentoring can truly better a child’s life.

Meet P.J., a go-with-the-flow 8 year old whose favorite things in life include reading, going outdoors, and playing at Freedom Station Family Fun Center. He lives with his grandmother, and needs a Big Brother due to past experiences with his parents. A positive male role model can show P.J. a brighter path, and help lead him to his career goal of becoming a fireman and saving lives.

P.J. enjoys hanging out with others, and dislikes seeing others getting picked on. He likes trying new things, and is a great listener. P.J. has a lot of energy, and could truly benefit from a Big Brother willing to take him out into the community to do activities.

Without a steering wheel, a truck cannot reach its destination. Likewise, without a positive role model, a child can get lost in chaos. Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters gives the distinct opportunity to change a child’s life by simply being a friend. To learn more about becoming a Big Brother, Big Sister, Big Family, or Big Couple, please call 778.5135, visit, or ‘Friend’ us on Facebook.

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