A dream is a path which lies in front of every child. For some children, hanging on to that dream is the only thing capable of easing the stress of their everyday lives.
Meet Damian, an intelligent fourth grader whose favorite saying in life is “learning to love, and loving to learn”. Damian needs a Big Brother because he rarely gets to see his dad. He shoots for the stars, and wants to work for NASA and change the world when he grows up.
Damian says that his dog, Petunia, is one of the most important things to him. Aside from playing with his dog, his interests include music, cooking, reading, and playing the piano. One of his only dislikes is “not realizing when a good opportunity presents itself”. A child with an enormous imagination and even bigger heart, Damian likes helping others and meeting new people.
Children in Yavapai County need friends who can help them achieve their goals. The most impactful thing you can do for a child like Damian is simply be there for him, and offer up an extra seatbelt in your car. To learn more about becoming a Big Brother, Big Sister, Big Couple, or Big Family, please call 778.5135, visit our website at azbigs.org, or ‘Like’ us on Facebook