8 hours a month and an extra seatbelt in your car can give a child facing adversity newfound hope.
Meet Kaleb, a fascinating 7 year old boy who loves frogs, snakes, and collecting stuffed animals. A gifted athlete with a big heart, Kaleb needs a Big Brother because he lacks a positive male role model in his life. Doing simple activities with a mentor 2-4 times a month could propel him towards reaching his goal of becoming a Police Officer when he grows up.
Humorous, active, and creative are just a few of the words used to describe this child. Kaleb has a passion for animals, and enjoys swimming, riding bikes, and playing sports. He loves his mom, and says that she is most important to him. Kaleb simply wants a Big Brother to have fun with and let him know he is important.
Children have big imaginations, but often need guidance to head in the right direction. There are nearly 200 children in Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters in need of a friend and positive role model. To learn how your support can change a life, please call 778.5135, visit our website at azbigs.org, or ‘Like’ us on Facebook.