One phone call to Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters can change your life, and inspire a child to choose a brighter path. Do you have 8 hours a month, and an extra seatbelt in your car?
Meet Deonte, a hopeful 12 year old boy who can be hesitant around people at first, but has the ability to light up a room once he gets comfortable. Deonte never knew his biological father and rarely sees his mother, but that doesn’t stop him from carrying an upbeat attitude. A child who typically shares the attention at home with 4 other siblings, Deonte needs someone to simply spend quality one-to-one time with.
Deonte expresses himself as someone who just wants to have fun and get dirty. He enjoys skate boarding, playing football, and basketball, but would be pleased to try any sport that gets his adrenaline pumping. Aside from an adventurous spirit, Deonte also possesses an extremely caring side that he has not yet learned how to fully convey with others.
For many of the children in Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters, simple activities such as throwing a ball around with a Big can mean the world to them. Does future professional football player, Deonte, sound like a child you could mesh with? If so, please call 778.5135, visit our website at, or ‘Like’ us on Facebook.