Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters is composed of children facing adversity aged 6 – 18 who are matched with a strong, considerate, and devoted role model with a longing to make a difference. This positive influence could be the determining factor in a child’s success down the road.
Meet Austin, an energetic, imaginative, and loving 5 year old. Austin currently lives with his mother and younger brother. Austin is in need of a consistent male role model in his life. Austin enjoys many activities including soccer, riding his bike, drawing, and painting.
Austin is in Kindergarten; this is his first school experience. He states that he enjoys reading and playing with the building blocks in class, but recess is his favorite time of the day. Austin has a hard time sitting still and listening to his teacher. He dreams of becoming Spiderman when he grows up. Imagine the fun you can have as Austin’s mentor and Big Brother.
We are constantly in need of Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Big Families, and Big Couples, so if you are interested in joining our cause please call 928.778.5135. Our next information session is on March 15th at 5:30 at our office.
-Written by Lisa Sahady