Little Brother Kincaid thinks so highly of Big Brother Rich and his wife, Catherine, that with his mother’s encouragement, he was the first to email Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters to ask for free tickets the organization was offering to an outdoor Tom Petty concert in Prescott Valley this past summer. They took Kincaid with them and were impressed at how he kept younger children entertained while adults enjoyed the music.
Kincaid was just eight years old when Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters matched him with Rich. They’ve gone bowling. Rich has watched Kincaid’s soccer practices and they’ve attended some pro soccer games. They’ve explored the Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary. They recently attended the Yavapai County Fair. As Rich says, “There’s lots to do in Prescott.”
Rich and Kincaid have done lots of stuff together over the past four years, but as Kincaid says, the best thing is just to “come and hang out.”
They adapt their activities as Kincaid, now a sixth-grader, matures. Rich gradually is introducing him to the Star Wars films, and they also are watching the Harry Potter series together. With Kincaid’s mother’s approval, Rich, a retired police officer, plans to teach Kincaid gun safety at a local firing range, and maybe help him pick out a dog of his own at the Yavapai Humane Society.
“We’ve kind of grown with each other,” Rich says.
The individual match inadvertently became a couples’ match. Catherine got Kincaid to help with Christmas cookie decorating, and now is involved in many outings. Rich and Kincaid have experienced Out of Africa wildlife park in Camp Verde, and plan to go back during Kincaid and Catherine’s mutual birthday month to take advantage of free admission.
Catherine says the couple gets a kick out of listening to Kincaid, and what they term his “Kincaidisms.”
“He’s a part of our lives,” Catherine says, adding with a smile, “He’s stuck with us.”
The trio appreciates the support from community members who have donated Arizona State Tax credits to make possible matches like theirs. Anyone interested in contributing financially, or in becoming a Big or referring a Little can call 928-778-5135. YBBBS has many other ways folks may get involved. Discover today how you can change a child’s life – and your own – for the better.