Child of the Week: Hailey
Hailey definitely is an 11-year-old who doesn’t need to follow the crowd. Case in point,…
https://www.azbigs.org/2016/11/30/child-week-hailey/Hailey definitely is an 11-year-old who doesn’t need to follow the crowd. Case in point,…
https://www.azbigs.org/2016/11/30/child-week-hailey/On the verge of becoming a teenager, Hunter needs “someone to do something with,” according…
https://www.azbigs.org/2016/11/23/child-week-hunter/Saggy socks don’t impede 10-year-old Brandon as he dashes, shoes off, across the grassy field…
https://www.azbigs.org/2016/11/16/child-week-brandon/Destrian’s Batman sneakers flash red when he’s moving, so the active five-year-old is wearing out…
https://www.azbigs.org/2016/11/09/child-of-the-week-destrian/At thirteen, Landen is discovering which activities he most enjoys. He likes playing basketball. Football…