Consider giving back to our community by volunteering to unload cars at the Yavapai Food Neighbors Project, Saturday, Aug. 12, 9:30 to 11 a.m. at the Gail Gardner Walmart Parking Lot, near the Burger King.YBBBS staff members support the mission of the Food Neighbors Project by bringing in food donations every other month.Give us a call at 928-778-5135 and let us know you’re coming to lend a hand!Yavapai Food Neighbors Project is a food donor program that provides participating Emergency Food Providers assistance in keeping their shelves full year round. This project provides food at critical times throughout the year, particularly January thru September when donations are low. All EFPs in communities supporting YFNP collection events are invited to apply to become a recipient of the food collected.
The program is simple and effective. YFC recruits neighborhood coordinators and food donors who purchase a few extra items every trip to the grocery store to fill a green YFNP bag.
On the second Saturday of every even numbered month, the donors place their filled bags by their front door for the coordinators to pick up and deliver to a designated collection site. The bags are then weighed, sorted and boxed up by emergency food providers to take away. YFC is committed to providing food from the project to local emergency food providers in the communities where our donors live.