For Yavapai College: The Massie Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to 4-5 students enrolled in Yavapai Collage at $1,000 each. Students must be current or former Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters Littles. Students must log into their Yavapai College account, go to “Students”… then “My Financial Aid”… and then they will see the “YC Scholarship Application.” Here is a link to that application: https://prodssb1.yc.edu/MYSSB/bwgksrvy.P_ShowSurveys.
Verde Valley Only: The Platt Scholarship
For Verde Valley area current or former Little Brothers/Little Sisters with Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Go to application here. Questions? Call Cheryl at 928.778.5135. Apply today for the Platt Scholarship if you are a Verde Valley current or former Little Brother/Little Sister with Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Application Deadline: May 1, 2022. Award Date: August 1, 2022
This scholarship can be used for expenses at any institution of higher learning such as a community college, a 4 year college, or technical training. The total amount of the funding is up to $1000.
You are eligible to apply if you are a high school graduating senior and you are a current or former Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters Little for 12 months or more. You are also eligible to apply if you have been a Big Brother or Big Sister in either the community or school mentoring program for 12 months or more. The award is based upon the recommendations of YBBBS Match Advisors and teachers, your grades, and the answers to the questions on our application.