The smallest deeds can serve the biggest needs. At Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters, mentors serve a child’s best interest for the present as well as the future by simply being a friend. The impact a Big can have on a Little extends far beyond the time they spend together. Positive influence is instrumental in helping a child to grow a better future.
Dylan and Jon’s match was formed through common interests. Dylan didn’t get to do many “guy things” prior to being matched with Jon. He had witnessed a lot of adversity in past years, and needed a positive male figure to help him move beyond his past. Jon, an IT specialist, had a passion for wanting to change a boy’s life. Ultimately, these two became very good friends.
Now 3 years later, the two enjoy building computers, practicing sports, playing video games, climbing boulders, and especially woodworking. In fact, they even made a wooden chess board and an old fashioned apple box together. They also attend all Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters events. Dylan thinks Jon is a very hard worker and nice to him and says that Jon spends quality time with him.
Receive the ultimate reward. Become a Big, gain a friend, and change that child’s life… Fundamentally. For the Better. Forever. To learn more about being a Big call 928.778.5135, visit our website at, or ‘Friend’ us on Facebook. We promise that your 8 hours a month as positive role model can make the biggest difference in a child’s future.