Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters is seeking adult volunteers to mentor children in our community. All children are capable of success – and there are no exceptions. It is our job as community members to find a way to support all children in our community.
Meet Sammie, an engaging, happy, and easy going 5 year old. Sammie lives with his family that includes three siblings. His two older siblings each have a Big and Sammie now wants one to. Sammie enjoys coloring and telling stories. He likes to play baseball, basketball, and soccer. He also loves a good joke and will share jokes with his future Big Brother.
Sammie is open to new experiences and is the type of kid who likes to play all day. He would benefit from having individual attention from a patient, energetic Big Brother. Sammie enjoys being outside rather than inside. He not only wants, but needs exposure to new experiences in his community.
If you are ready to step up and mentor Sammie or another child, and to join our elite and impactful group of Bigs, contact YBBBS at (928) 778-5135 .
Written by: Lisa Sahady