Saggy socks don’t impede 10-year-old Brandon as he dashes, shoes off, across the grassy field to nab a pass. He can kick, throw and catch a football for hours, his cheeks turning cherry red with the effort. He played on his school’s flag football team. But he says hockey really is his favorite sport.
“I love playing, not watching,” Brandon says of both sports. Although he does watch his favorite hockey team, the Colorado Avalanche, on TV.
Brandon hasn’t been able to join an ice hockey team, but happily plays on concrete. He says he learned to ice skate from roller blading, but he doesn’t get much chance to do it, so he would like a Big Brother who might take him ice skating. Hiking in the boulders of the Granite Dells is another possibility.
Brandon lives in Prescott Valley with his mother and an older brother. His mom, who works full-time, tries to introduce her sons to different activities. Both attend Boy Scouts once a week. But she knows they each could benefit from having their own Big Brothers who would focus on them exclusively for a few hours a couple of times a month.
At school, where he is in fifth grade, history is Brandon’s favorite subject. He’s been to a couple of local museums and would like to visit more of them. Brandon says he got interested in history while watching the mini-series, “Roots.” With a serious expression on his face, Brandon summarized the true story of the slave, Kunta Kinte.
Anyone interested in being a Big to Brandon or another child, or in referring a potential Little, can call Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters at 928-778-5135 or if you can’t be a Big, how about supporting a Big? The Arizona State Tax Credit is one way to do so. YBBBS always can use volunteer office help and has other ways people can be involved, as well. Call today for endless satisfaction.