Nathan says he likes to “play outside and climb things and run.” Of course, the swings and slide are great attractions for a nine-year-old boy, as well. He plays basketball when he’s at the Boys and Girls Club, and it’s no surprise his favorite class at school is P.E. He studied Tae Kwan Do in his former place of residence.
The fourth-grade student also admits he “sorta likes to read.”
Nathan moved to Prescott about a year ago with his father, older sister and a young cousin. He sees his mother, who lives in New Orleans, only once or twice a year. He loves spending time with his dad, but dad’s pretty busy seeking full-time employment during a layoff and maintaining the household.
A Big Brother who could take him to the park – maybe with a picnic lunch – and play soccer, basketball, and on the swings, would be ideal for Nathan. Then perhaps they could relax for a while under a tree and read to each other from a good book.
Anyone interested in being a Big to Nathan or another child, or in referring a potential Little, can call Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters at 928-778-5135, or if you can’t be a Big, how about supporting a Big? The Arizona State Tax Credit is one way to do so. YBBBS always can use volunteer office help and has other ways people can be involved, as well. Call today for endless satisfaction.