Child of the Week: Vicky

Vicky-webWith hope, a child can dream greater and achieve more. The simplest of deeds can serve the biggest needs.

Meet Vicky, a smart 9 year old girl with an enormous imagination, and a passion for gymnastics. Due to challenges in school, Vicky needs a compassionate Big Couple, or Big Family willing to make a difference in her life. Vicky is a gifted child whose smile and enthusiasm can light up a room.

When she grows up, Vicky wants to shine under the spotlight as a movie star. She is also musically gifted, and enjoys playing the piano and guitar. An avid reader, Vicky also loves to talk, and do arts and crafts projects. Vicky has an outgoing personality, and thinks it is very easy to meet new people.

Giving 8 hours a month as a Big Couple or Big Family provides hope where little is often found. Mentoring a child can be as simple as offering up an extra seatbelt in your car, so a child like Vicky can tag along. For many children enrolled in Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters, witnessing a healthy family interaction could ultimately help shape that child’s future. To learn more about becoming a Big Brother, Big Sister, Big Couple, or Big Family, please call 778.5135, visit our website at, or ‘Friend’ us on Facebook at Yavapai BigBrothers BigSisters.

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