Your financial support helps us provide our programs and services in Yavapai County, so we can develop more high school and college graduates, community leaders and entrepreneurs. Nearly 90% of every dollar you give goes directly to making and supporting Matches between Littles and Bigs. In 2021, our staff continued to offer the families we serve life-sustaining resources like food, shelter and medical care. We gave referrals and support to increase family stability (utilizing the YBBBS Resource Book); social media safety; counseling referrals; clothing; and job resources. We also delivered COVID support boxes to families with masks, sanitizer, basic food items, and more, donated by the Greater Yavapai Coalition. Donations were also successfully distributed over the holiday season, including over 200 gifts, holiday meals, bikes, and gift cards to our Littles and their families.
Host Us in Your Home! This is your opportunity to introduce individuals to Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters. These intimate events are not necessarily meant to raise money, but to help your guests learn about the agency and its mission. Understanding the issues, the need and the context, and learning what a particular nonprofit does, is critical to getting someone involved. Contact our Development Department to get started.
Become an Annual Sponsor! Join our community of partners and Defenders of Potential with a business sponsorship here and enjoy the recognition of being an inspiration for Yavapai County youth.
Facebook Birthday Fundraisers: Did you know that you can create a Birthday or other type of Fundraiser to support our mission? Check it out here.
Third-Party Events/Fundraisers: On occasion, we receive requests from companies, organizations, and individuals that wish to hold an event, promotion, or fundraiser to benefit our agency. We are grateful for these types of events and activities, as they help to provide programs and services to the children and families that we serve. Please fill out this form about your event or fundraiser and we'll reach out to you. Thank you for your interest in YBBBS.
Fry's Community Rewards: Click here to link your Fry's Shopper's Card to our agency, all you have to do is shop at Fry’s and swipe your Shopper’s Card.
Clothing Donations: Clothes for Kids’ Sake is a donation-based fundraising program established by Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters to help support our youth mentoring programs. Our YBBBS delivery truck visits our green drop-off collection bins weekly. We collect housewares, furniture and clothing from members of our local community. We do not accept console televisions (only flat screens), mattresses, large appliances or large furniture, or gas-powered tools. Click here for a map of collection bin locations.
Stock Options: YBBBS can receive transfers of stock. For questions or more information, contact our Development Department at [email protected] or 928-778-5135.