Child of the Week: Dominick

Dominic-Jacob-Davis-(Cropped)The rewards of mentoring a young boy in need have proven to be life-changing for the child, as well as the adult. Boys enrolled in Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters need strong encouragement from someone willing to make a difference. 

Meet Jacob, a sharp-witted 2nd grader with a huge brain and an even bigger heart. A child with great optimism, he lives with his with his Grandma due to previous hardships. Jacob has an amazing grasp on reality, and has even said, “My flaws make me perfect; my flaws make me different but I like being different.” Jacob describes himself as an animal lover, computer nerd, and a most of all a perfectionist.

When Jacob grows up, he wants to become a mad scientist and reverse the spirals of DNA to alter aging. Jacob enjoys knowledge, company, and sleeping. Jacob’s priorities lie in his family, God, his animals, and his friends. Jacob prides himself on being one-of-a-kind, and wants a Big who is similarly unique.

Within a 43 year period, Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters has impacted tens of thousands of at-risk children in the Tri-city and Verde Valley areas. Not only do we provide professional support to our matches, but we also ignite everlasting friendships. For only eight hours a month, you can be the difference, not only in a child’s life, but in their future. Become a Big today by calling 928.778.5135, visiting our website at, or “Friending” us on Facebook. We are especially in need of Big Brothers!

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