CV Match of the Week: Braydon & Doug

Braydon-and-Doug_webA young boy’s life choices can be heavily influenced by a positive male role model. Being a Big Brother, and giving a boy the tools to become a man can be instrumental to that boy’s success.

Braydon and Doug have been matched through Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters since September of 2010. Braydon, age 17, grew up without a positive male role model in his life, and ultimately needed a Big Brother to fill that void. Doug, a self-employed business owner, became a Big Brother with hopes of helping a young boy achieve success in life… simply by being a friend. Four years later, and Braydon is at the cusp of adulthood with major life goals on his horizon.

Since the beginning of their match 4 years ago, Doug and Braydon’s friendship has grown stronger and stronger. Braydon is doing much better in school, and is even in the Fire Explorers program. His main aspiration in life is to become a fireman, and his Big is fully supportive of this career goal.

 This adventurous match does a lot together. They go target shooting, bowling, searching for miscellaneous car parts, hiking, to Sundogs games, and attend YBBBS events such as Aviation day and the Annual Picnic. Braydon also tags along with his Big Brother on jobs, and they have even ventured to the Grand Canyon for a day trip!

The simplest of deeds can serve the biggest needs. 8 hours a month is all it takes to change a child’s life. To learn more about becoming a Big Brother, Big Sister, Big Family, or Big Couple, please call 778.5135, visit us at, or ‘Friend’ us on Facebook.

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