Child of the Week: Anjie

Anjie-Monroy-webReality can be chilling. As a result, children are facing hardships at early ages, and need positive mentorship in their lives.

Meet Anjie, an incredibly gifted 11 year old girl who finds satisfaction through her love of helping others. Unfortunately, Anjie has seen a lot of adversity in her life. These struggles have made her timid, but spending time with a compassionate Big Sister could truly open her up to a new world of possibilities. A bright child and gifted pianist, Anjie needs someone to help her make the best choices in life.

Anjie would like to become a pediatrician when she grows up, mostly because she thinks “babies are charming”. She observes before she speaks, cares the most about her family, and secretly enjoys singing to herself. Anjie is a skilled seamstress, scrap booker, and crafter, who also enjoys riding bikes, playing volleyball, and shooting hoops.

What if your time gave an at-risk child hope? What if your support gave a child the courage to achieve more? The rewards you receive as a Big Brother, Big Sister, Big Couple, or Big Family go far beyond the 8 hours a month you spend with a child. To learn how you can change a child’s life Fundamentally. For the Better. Forever, call 778.5135, visit our website at, or ‘Like’ us on Facebook.

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