Prescott Child of the Week: Danney

Danney-webThere are 730 hours in a month, so why not give 8 of those hours to a child in need?

Meet Danny, a 5 year old boy who loves to ride his bikes and color. Sadly Danny’s father passed away and he is being raised by his mother and great grandmother. Danny has a young brother that is in the home as well. Danny is excited to have a Big Brother and cannot wait to meet him.

When he grows up, Danny would like to be a truck driver. Danny loves cars, trucks, and playing football. Danny is an animated, bright, active boy who would like to try fishing, roller skating, ice skating, and bowling.

Danny needs a male role model in his life, are you that someone? There are over 100 children searching for a friend to bring fun into their lives. To learn how you can make a difference, please call 778-5135, visit our website at, or ‘Like’ us on Facebook.

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